
Macindoe, J. 2018. “A Sense of Forgetting and Remembering: Memories of Smell and Clothing,” Clothing Cultures 5:3, pp. 378-389.

Macindoe, J. 2019. “More Than Sight: Embodying Blindness at Dialogue in the Dark,” The Fashion Studies Journal, 18 March.

Macindoe, J. 2017. “Ai Weiwei’s Laundromat and the Aesthetics of Displacement,” The Fashion Studies Journal, 27 January.


Macindoe, J. 2020. “Feel Like a Woman: Blind women and the fashioning of femininity,”Critical Fashion Studies Conference, University of Melbourne, Australia, February.

Macindoe, J. 2019. “‘Just Looking’: Shopping for clothes with people who are blind,” AAANZ, University of Auckland, New Zealand, December.

Macindoe, J. 2018. "A Sense of Forgetting and Remembering: Memories of Smell and Clothing," Uncommon Senses 2, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, May.

Macindoe, J. 2017. “A Cyborg and A Contemporary Dancer: Future Performances of the Dressed Body and Technology,” Interwoven: Dress That Crosses Borders and Challenges Boundaries, International Conference of Dress Historians, London, UK, October.

Media & Other

Australian Fashion Summit, student speaker, 13 March 2020.

ABC Radio (NSW), fashion history guest, 5 episodes broadcast 2-30 October 2019.

Macindoe, J. 2019. “Program Profile: PhD in Fashion & Textiles, RMIT University”, The Fashion Studies Journal, 4 July.